This is an amazing country! We have seen so many awesome sights that it is difficult to pick one to describe. But, no matter what other things we see, in my memory, New Zealand will always be the color green. The rain forests are like walking into another world. I can’t help but think of the Land of Oz and the Emerald City. In the rain forest, everything is green, not just emerald green, but every green that occurs in nature. The tree ferns are magnificent. The leaf of the tree fern is a common symbol for New Zealand. The top of the fern leaf is green while underneath, the leaf is silver. The mosses cover the trees in a cloak of furry green. I think that the moss even grows moss. The air is cool when you enter the forest and the only sounds are your footsteps, breathing and maybe water dripping or splashing in a waterfall. Since before long I must return to the “real world,” I want to keep the vision of this most beautiful and serene place in my memory. When life becomes too fast and complicated, I will go again to the rain forests of New Zealand in my memory