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Just a few minutes from our campground in Napier is the famous Classic Sheepskin Factory. We all met for a 9AM tour and shopping. It’s amazing and a bit sad to see the thousands of skins heaped by color and quality. We made purchases from warm house shoes to large rugs which we had shipped home. They will design a rug in any shape, style or color and ship it to you.
After the tour many of our group took a spin thru the Art Deco Capital, Napier. The town was destroyed in 1931 by an earthquake and fire then rebuilt in the style of the time. Makes for a beautiful walk thru town.
On to Taupo on a lake formed when a volcano erupted a longgggg time ago. When it’s thousands of years it loses time for me, I like 20 to 50 years ago….
Taupo is in the Thermal area, thus volcanos, so has a few walks thru the bubbling pools, pots and geysers. There’s also a smell about town 😉 Several couples went to the Prawn Farm and had a delicious fresh prawn (shrimp) lunch. Some walked thru the Craters of the Moon, a small thermal park. A couple of us went to the volcanic center where they had info and films on the volcanos in the area and a film of footage of the Christchurch earthquakes. Seeing the faces during and after the quake reminded me of the faces from 9-11. 
Once again we were blessed with a sunny day so had a social outside to share our day.