After we left the factory tour, we headed north. One of the things Jim and I enjoy most is that we can make side trips or stops whereever we want. We just have to follow our trip book and meet up with the group at the RV park that evening.
Sometimes we pal around with some of the other folks and stop when they do or we drive by ourselves. Today we were by ourselves when we spotted a little vegetable stand on the side of the road. There was a big sign that said, “Fresh sweet corn 6 ears for $3.” Fresh corn sounded really good so we turned around and went back. We began talking to the lady who ran the stand. She immediately asked where we were from…she guessed from somewhere in the States. Like all New Zealanders we have met, she slipped right in to the role of hostess. We told her about the wonders we saw in the south island and where we were headed up north. By the time we left, she had taught us how to say hello and goodbye in the Maori language and sold us 9 ears of corn for $3! We ate corn on the cob tonight and it was just as sweet and delicious as we imagined.