I don’t believe I have seen sheep in so many sizes. Can you believe New Zealanders keep at least 19 breeds of sheep? Yes, we saw 19 different breeds at the Agrodome here in Rotorua on our second day. They even gave us a sheep shearing demonstration. Wow, can they zip that wool off in the bat of an eye.
Then, Fantasy RV Tours bused us to beautiful Rainbow Springs. The flora here makes me understand how different New Zealand is from the USA. Unusual and varied greenery grows throughout the grounds. We get a chance to view beautiful trout in the clear trout pond. This is another of those photo ops for me.
The next stop on our agenda is the Kiwi House. We walk into the dark interior and in a few minutes my eyes get accustom to the night. Kiwis are nocturnal birds and the house provides the perfect environment for them to hunt. We spy three of these unique birds today. VERY COOL!