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Quiet Evening In Rotorua, New Zealand

Quiet Evening In Rotorua, New Zealand

Today we arrive in Rotorua in the heart of the thermal and volcanic area of New Zealand.  A beautiful clock tower dominates the town and is the symbol of Rotorua.  Everywhere I smell a sulphur odor.  It is a constant reminder of the bubbling and escaping steam that I...
Day 22-Sheep Shearing to Kiwi Birds

Day 22-Sheep Shearing to Kiwi Birds

I don’t believe I have seen sheep in so many sizes.  Can you believe New Zealanders keep at least 19 breeds of sheep?  Yes, we saw 19 different breeds at the Agrodome here in Rotorua on our second day.  They even gave us a sheep shearing demonstration.  Wow, can they...
Day 24-The Beach & My Fantasy Family

Day 24-The Beach & My Fantasy Family

  We leave Waitomo on a bright and sunny morning.  Our journey takes us through the busy city of Auckland to Orewa.  We spy our friends Carrie and Roger taking a morning break beside the river.  They sure do know how to smell the roses. M-m-m- m, I could get use to...