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Enroute from Lightning Ride to Warrumbungle (180 mile drive) everyone ascended on a small grocery store in a tiny town to buy marshmallows. The little clerk had never seen so many ‘foreigners’ come into her store.  We knew we’d be having a campfire at our next stop and we wanted to be prepared with lots of Australian marshmallows!

Our campsite at this national park is a change of pace from commercial campgrounds, we spent the afternoon and evening at Warrumbungle National Park, famous for its abundance of kangaroos. We were not disappointed and got a lot of great photos of these unusual animals.

Later during Jim’s travel briefing we had a campfire with ‘Australian’ s’mores, pink, yellow and white marshmallows, crunchy chocolate pieces and cookies, no Graham crackers. Dee Dee and Mary Ellen cooked the crazy marshmallows for everyone and much fun was had by all.

Most stayed long after to enjoy the flames. Since we are in a Nat’l Park there is no lighting and at dark it was really dark. The stars were so bright we felt like we could touch them as we told stories and watched the flames flicker away. Another wonderful and memorable time with such nice people!




