On our way to Grafton we make a stop at Tropical Fruit World where we have morning tea, hot scones and tea, before starting on the deluxe tour. All of us become kids again as we load on a tram pulled by a tractor with huge tires. We are driven thru the orchard where we see exotic fruits from all over the world. So many that we have never heard of and will never remember the names. We make a stop under the macadamia nut trees and get off the tram to crack and eat as many as we can in a few minutes. These hard, small nuts are as difficult to crack as a coconut. Then we really become kids as we board a tiny train, picture giants in Lilliput, for a ride around a small lake and along a man made canal. Of course we are given crusty bread to feed the ducks as we board a boat and ride thru the canal over to an animal park where get to see kangaroos up close. At the end of the tour we go to a kitchen where they tell us all about the exotic fruits they have on display and then we get a taste of them! What a great day and we all leave with the wonder of it all.